Four Types of News

News is a medium in which events and information are reported. It can be categorized into four types, according to its purpose. Good news is positive in nature and reports of new discoveries, cures, and victories. It can also have an agenda. Its goal may be political, commercial, or specific to a campaign.

Report of an event

To create a Report of an event, you must start with gathering relevant data. This can be done through third-party data collection platforms, attendee surveys, and social media analytics dashboards. This data can be easily analyzed and used for your reporting.


Exclusivity in news is a controversial issue in the United States, where many people argue that news outlets should be more inclusive. Though exclusives can be lucrative, they also come with risks. It’s important to remember that the story has to be compelling enough to merit exclusivity. Without this, you run the risk of other news outlets running your story.


Shareability of news is an important indicator of the impact of a story on readers. It is determined by the story’s headline, main components, and emotional appeal. Shareable stories are easy to read and understand, and can easily be shared. This makes it essential for newsrooms to use analytics to create stories that readers will want to share with others.


Magnitude of news is a measure of market impact, which indicates how news affects prices. For example, news on the economy and central banks affect different markets in different ways. Stocks and bonds tend to move less after central bank announcements. The magnitude of news provides useful information to practitioners and academics alike. This paper explores the utility of the magnitude of news in financial markets.


The relevance of news is a complex construct that varies across scales and users. It can be determined by understanding how people categorize news and what they make of it. For instance, in news reading, there is a tendency to self-refer, which can affect the way news is perceived. People who find a story relevant often use different pronoun distributions than those who don’t find the story relevant. These differences are statistically significant. Moreover, people who identify with a larger social collectivity are more likely to find a news story relevant than those who do not.


Timeliness of news is a critical quality in a news medium. For a newspaper to remain relevant, the content must be timely, but there are also other elements that make news timely. Immediacy and accuracy are two of the constituents of timeliness.


News stories containing suspense can increase the audience’s attention and evoke emotions. For instance, a news story about the Iranian hostages may be more suspenseful if the hostages are in danger. However, news suspense is not the same as mystery suspense, which occurs after a crime has been committed and a search for a suspect is underway. Suspense in news stories can also involve emotions, and such stories are often categorized as “human interest” stories.