A Primer on the Law


The definition of law may be a confusing one. There are several types of law, and this article will cover Civil law, Natural law, and the rule of nations. You will also learn how each of these types affects society, politics, and economics. In short, law is the mediator of human relations. And as such, there is a great deal of confusion about what law is and what it is not. Here are some general definitions of law.

Natural law

The theory of natural law asserts that civil laws should be based on morality and ethics. However, it differs from the concept of positive law, which is reflected in statutes and common law, and may not be based on natural law. Examples of positive law include speed limits on highways and the age at which one can purchase alcohol. As such, governing bodies should base these laws on natural law. However, this approach cannot fully explain the origin of natural law.

The law of nations

The law of nations is a concept in international law that describes certain public legal relationships between sovereign states. The term has its origins in Roman private law and was adapted by European jurists in the early modern era. Spanish writers such as Suarez and Vitoria used the principles of jus gentium to argue that the Spanish Crown owed basic humanitarian duties to the indigenous peoples of the Americas. In the sixteenth century, the concept was further developed by theologians St. Thomas Aquinas and David Hume.

Public law

What is Public Law? Public law governs legal relationships with the government, within the state, and between persons of direct concern to society. The law also regulates the relationships among various branches of government. The following are the basic elements of public law. Hopefully, you will enjoy this primer on the law. But first, let’s define it. What is Public Law? What are the Basic Elements? Let’s Start With an Example

Civil law

Civil law originated in mainland Europe and was adapted by much of the world. The system was intellectualized within the context of Roman law and serves as the primary source of law. It has evolved as a result of conflicting interests in the area of government. However, the core principles of civil law are still unchanged. To understand how this system works, we need to consider a few examples. The most significant feature of civil law is its referability.

Case law

What is case law? Case law is an umbrella term for judicial decisions made by courts, and is often used interchangeably with common law. Unlike statutes and constitutions, case law is based on detailed facts and court resolutions of actual cases. It’s important to understand the difference between case law and common law, and how each one differs from the other. To understand case law better, here are some definitions. Let’s begin with the difference between the two.