Traveling and Hotels

Traveling and hotels

Whether you are planning a trip to a faraway destination or planning to stay in your hometown, choosing the right hotel is an important part of the process. The location, cancellation policies and all-inclusive packages are among the many things to keep in mind.

Location is important

Choosing the best hotel location in town is more than just a matter of proximity. Some cities may collect additional taxes or require you to pay for parking at the hotel. In addition, the location of your hotel may influence your vacation experience. A good location may be a requirement for your next trip.

One of the best places to start is with Google Maps. You should also consider using Google Street View to get an idea of how safe the neighborhood may be. Lastly, consider whether the hotel has a pet friendly policy.

Cancellation policies vary

Depending on your destination, booking method, hotel brand, and season, cancellation policies vary. Knowing these policies will help you make an informed decision when booking a hotel.

Most major hotel chains have adopted standard cancellation policies, which generally require you to cancel your reservation at least 48 hours prior to your arrival date. However, some hotels have modified their cancellation policies to allow guests to cancel their reservations earlier.

Some hotels also require you to give 72 hours of notice to cancel a reservation, particularly during certain travel periods. Some hotels have also altered their cancellation policies in order to accommodate travelers with serious illnesses.

All-inclusive packages are not always the best value

Taking a vacation in the Caribbean or Mexico can be akin to winning the lottery, but you don’t have to be a Las Vegas high roller to score a vacation of a lifetime. In fact, there are plenty of all inclusive resorts to be found, from the high-end to the budget friendly. The trick is choosing the right one for you. Luckily, there are several travel sites dedicated to helping you find the best deal for you, your wallet, and your family.

Rise in gas prices cause people to reconsider long road trips

Having recently witnessed the price of gas soar, many Canadians are rethinking their plans for long road trips this summer. According to a recent survey, almost half of Canadians have changed their travel plans due to higher gas prices.

Gas prices have been trending upward for the past two years, but they’re not expected to go much lower this summer. Many travelers are ditching long-haul trips for more local destinations.

According to the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada, 47% of Canadians have changed their road trip plans because of higher gas prices. Those changes range from driving closer to home to finding less expensive lodging.